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Another step forward with the opening of a temporary Pocket Park at 14 Bridge Street

Another step forward in the delivery of projects under the €50m Our Balbriggan Regeneration project will be marked tomorrow (Thursday) with the opening of a temporary Pocket Park at 14 Bridge Street. The Pocket Park is part of the mixed-used development planned for the area which will create a vibrant, family friendly location in the

€15m transformation of Balbriggan Harbour moves to final stage of tender.

Plans for the multi-million euro refurbishment of Balbriggan’s Quay Street and Harbour have taken a major step forward. The development, which will turn the area into a premier visitor destination, is another massive advance in the €50million Our Balbriggan rejuvenation programme. Proposed works at Quay Street and the Harbour have progressed to final tender stage, through Fingal County Council. Plans are

Fingal Councillors give go-ahead for new €3.3m creative hub in Balbriggan

Another key milestone in the ‘Our Balbriggan’ rejuvenation programme, which is set to transform the town with public investment of over €50m, has been reached with the granting of planning permission for a €3.3m creative hub. Fingal County Council has approved plans for works at 2-4 Dublin Street, which are expected to be completed by

Balbriggan’s growing profile as a centre for the arts will be boosted this month.

The ‘How it’s Made’ Festival, facilitated by the local Scéal Arts collective, in partnership with the locally-based Irish Institute of Music and Song, will run over three weekends, September 9th-10th and 16th-17th in the build-up to the weekend of Culture Night on Friday, September 22nd. The festival will conclude on Saturday, September 23rd. The local arts collective

Balbriggan becomes a ‘Creative Place’

In a major boost for plans to ensure Balbriggan becomes one of Ireland’s leading arts destinations, the town has been officially designated a ‘Creative Place.’ It has received Arts Council funding of €330,000 over three years, under the Creative Places programme, to provide local people access to the arts in their own community. The funding

Fingal County Council’s Town Rejuvenation plan for Our Balbriggan is progressing

The Our Balbriggan Town Rejuvenation has some updates: There have been numerous updates and works taking place around the Our Balbriggan Town Rejuvenation Project. Chief Executive AnnMarie Farrelly outlined Fingal County Council’s strong commitment to the continued Implementation of the Our Balbriggan plan, with planned investment likely to exceed €100 million euro, €25+ million secure

‘The Catch’ filmed in and around Balbriggan

Balbriggan’s credentials as a location for film and television have again been enhanced by hit Virgin Media series ‘The Catch’. The town’s innate charm and the stunning beauty of the surrounding area is proving a hit with film and television producers. Already this year, another feature film, ‘Kathleen’ has been recording scenes in the area.

Packed schedule for Our Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival

A packed schedule has been put together for the third annual Our Balbriggan Loves Learning Festival, 2023 which takes place from Monday March 27 to Saturday, April 1. The festival provides an opportunity for a range of groups and services to platform learning opportunities available to local people in Balbriggan and surrounding areas. The Our

A special St Patrick’s Day as Balbriggan Brass and Reed band celebrates 140 years

This St Patrick’s Day in Balbriggan will be a very special one for the town’s 35-strong brass and reed band, which bears the name of Ireland’s male patron saint. For St Patrick’s Brass and Reed Balbriggan Town Band, it marks the start of celebrations of its 140th anniversary, culminating in a gala concert in November. Founded

Balbriggan Tidy Towns launches ‘Adopt-a-Patch’ initiative

A north County Dublin Tidy Towns committee is building on its success in the competition by launching another proactive community scheme aimed at further improving the area. Balbriggan Tidy Towns, which saw a very impressive 12-point jump in last year’s adjudication, is launching its ‘Adopt-a-Patch’ initiative. The Balbriggan SuperValu Tidy Towns adjudication report for 2022