Exciting new chapter with installation of temporary Pocket Park! - Our Balbriggan

Exciting new chapter with installation of temporary Pocket Park!

The installation of a temporary Pocket Park at 14 Bridge Street (formerly known as Keelings) signals the start of an exciting new chapter in the Heart of Balbriggan.  Expect a riot of colour as spring bulbs emerge followed by herbaceous and shrub planting Summer through to Autumn, a full list of planting can be found below.

An Integrated Design Team will shortly be appointed to the De Bruns project. Early and on-going stakeholder engagement will take place throughout the design process on mixed development options for the site.  The front facade of the buildings facing on to Bridge Street are to be maintained to preserve the street line.  This transformational scheme expected on site in 2026 will link Millpond Park and Bridge Street (Main Street), following the Bracken River to a transformed Quay Street, Harbour and Beach area.

Balbriggan Pocket Park Plant list: Koelreuteria paniculate Large multi stem tree in the main bed, Betula multistem jacquemontii Planted at the entrance bed the western corner and the southern bed. 

Hedging: 40 Carpinus betulus Hedge planted along the perimeter. 

Large shrubs: Ceanothus arb. Trewithin Blue Philadelphus coronarius ‘Aureus’ Sambucus nigra ‘Black Lace’ . 

Small Shrubs: Agapanthus inkspots Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ Lavandula Hidcote Mahonia eubracteteata soft caress Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’ Sarcoccoa confusa tulbaghia violacea Ferns Asplenium scolopendrium Dryopteris affinis Perennials Anthemis tinctoria ‘E.C.Buxton Calocephalus brownii Dianella Caerulea Echinacea purpurea Geranium ‘Rozanne’ HELLEBORUS joker Hosta ( sum & substance), Japanese anemone ‘September Charm’ libertia ixioides ‘goldfinger’ Nepeta grandiflora ‘Border Ballet Nepeta x faassenii ‘Junior Walker’ rudbeckia goldstrum Salvia nemorosa ‘ostfreisland’ Stachys Byzantina Lanata Stipa gigantea Verbena bonariensis Fillers Echium Heuchera mixed colours Lysimachia nummularia Verbascum bombyciferum 

Bulbs: Tulipa ‘Yellow Variety’ Allium Giganteum Daffodils Cyclamen