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The Bracken (Matt) River – Oral History Project

Balbriggan residents have a chance to share memories of the Bracken River thanks to a unique new oral history project. In partnership with Fingal County Council and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO), Balbriggan Tidy Towns will create a history of the river through the recollections of people who have used it. For the month

The Bracken (Matt) River – Oral History Project

Balbriggan residents have a chance to share memories of the Bracken River thanks to a unique new oral history project. In partnership with Fingal County Council and the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO), Balbriggan Tidy Towns will create a history of the river through the recollections of people who have used it. For the month

Local Lockdown Legacy – Get Involved

PLEASE COMPLETE THE SHORT SURVEY AT THE END OF THIS PAGE. Last year, more than 4,000 people got involved in shaping a new future for Balbriggan, which resulted in the publication of Our Balbriggan 2019 – 2025 Rejuvenation Plan. That plan will be implemented during the next five years. Back then, we could not have

Local Photographers’ Work Brightens Up The Our Balbriggan Hub

The new Our Balbriggan Hub is looking better than ever thanks to the contribution of three local photographers. Michael Stanley, Yolanda Aguilo and Alison O’Grady. All equally talented artists with very different backgrounds, these three photographers have Balbriggan their home and love to showcase the town’s beauty in their works. A sincere thank you to

Balbriggan Placemaking Fund

A year on from the launch of the Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Plan, the transformation of Ireland’s youngest town is taking shape, with substantial progress across a range of objectives. The first item on the ’20 things in 12 months’ in our Rejuvenation Plan is to establish a place-making and social innovation fund. Fingal County Council

A Year On – Our Journey

A year on from the launch of the Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Plan, the transformation of Ireland’s youngest town is taking shape, with substantial progress across a range of objectives. Read the full newsletter here. The plan’s ambitious vision came from the Our Balbriggan survey which saw over 25% of residents get involved and overwhelmingly choose

Thank You Our Balbriggan

 We have reached the first year milestone of a five-year plan to transform Our Balbriggan. To celebrate and thank you for your part in the Our Balbriggan journey we want to recognise the resilience, strength and community spirit of all of our residents, particularly in these past months. We want to feature the special

Acts of Kindness 

The Our Balbriggan rejuvenation journey has reached its first-year milestone of the five-year strategy plan to transform beautiful Balbriggan! It has come a long way in a short time with thanks to you, the people of Balbriggan. In these uncertain times, the community spirit shown has been phenomenal. Locals, young and old, banded together to

Smart Balbriggan: A Smart Town and Community

Located approximately 32km north of Dublin City, Balbriggan is the youngest and one of the most culturally diverse large towns in Ireland. Balbriggan is designated as a ‘self-sustaining town’ in the new Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly (EMRA,) Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) 2019-2031. This is defined as a town with high levels of

MAY IN PICTURES: #OurBalbriggan Best Shots

If there is one positive thing to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that we as locals of Balbriggan have really begun to appreciate the beauty of our local area. Following Government restrictions the community of Balbriggan have stayed within 5km of home, which has produced some top-quality photos of the town, beaches, parks