Strategies offer strategic approach to town centre renewal - Our Balbriggan

Strategies offer strategic approach to town centre renewal

The Our Balbriggan Public Realm, Public Realm Design Guide and Active Travel strategies (2024 – 2034) provide a strategic, joined up approach to town centre renewal.

They are a key part of the near €50 million Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Programme, led by Fingal County Council’s Economic, Enterprise, Cultural and Tourism Department.

The documents provide a framework for current and future thinking and needs across the town in the light of ongoing massive investment in public infrastructure.

First commissioned in 2021- 22 the complementary strategies have been under active review with the latest iterations now published.

Public Realm Strategy – Make a Space

The Public Realm Strategy will be used to further develop projects advanced through the Our Balbriggan process, while  identifying new initiatives, and informing future policy.

Developed in tandem with the Balbriggan Active Travel Strategy, the Public Realm Strategy seeks to enhance town spaces and the connectivity between them, while retaining and accentuating the towns distinctive sense of place and identity.

It also presents the opportunity to identify measures through which Balbriggan can respond in earnest to challenges of the climate and biodiversity  crises.

In response to research and consultation findings, the

Public Realm Strategy is structured around three core aims – Our Nature, Our Place and Our People.

Initial findings

It found that the town has many attributes, most notably its rich heritage, coastline and rivers. However, it identified a lack of consistency in the quality of Balbriggan’s public realm and difficulties navigating  the town on foot.

There are concerns around vacancy and dereliction, as well as a perceived lack of vibrancy and facilities.

Our Place

Calls for making space unique to Balbriggan, embracing heritage and contemporary design to confidently celebrate the towns sense of place and shared identity.

It states that ongoing protection, conservation, restoration and revival of Balbriggan’s heritage assets will be key

to enhancing its character and identity.

Public art and signage will  help communicate and celebrate

Balbriggan’s fascinating history and culture.

Directional projects are required to  make it easier to move through the town, while improving first impressions.

Streets and spaces will be the focus of high quality

Improvements rebalancing space for people, bicycles and vehicles, while making them safer and more attractive.

Greenways and blueways will further improve connectivity and encourage shift from car to active travel.

Our People

Recognises the importance of making space for people, welcoming the vibrant diversity and harnessing the creativity of Balbriggan’s population, so revitalising our streets & spaces.

Many community green spaces in Balbriggan are poised for

resident led transformations, increasing their public value and relevance to surrounding neighbourhoods.

Potential projects indicated include food growing and creation of new play and social spaces.

Balbriggan’s public realm must also be brought to life through regular quality events and activities.

Play is highlighted as vital to public realm, presenting formal and informal opportunities for children and young people.

Our Nature

Recognises the importance of making space for nature and health, reducing our carbon footprint, allowing biodiversity to flourish and providing for healthier and happier lives.

Habitat restoration projects will help ensure Balbriggan’s rivers, coastal landscapes and woodlands are managed and grown to support biodiversity.

It notes the importance of creating more opportunities to engage with nature on the doorstep.  Urban planting will make a valuable contribution to the natural health of the town.

Water Management projects, such as rain gardens (a garden which lies below the level of its surroundings, designed to absorb rainwater which runs off a surface) and other forms of sustainable urban drainage, will strengthen flood risk management, further weaving nature into the town centre.

Next steps

Potential projects will be worked into the Council’s ongoing operational plans and the Our Balbriggan Public Realm improvement projects as appropriate.

Public Realm Design Guide

The Public Realm Design Guide is complimentary

document produced alongside The Public Realm Strategy.

The Public Realm Design Strategy sets out strategic

priorities for Balbriggan’s Public Realm focused on three

key aims Nature, People and Place.  The guide is structured within 4 principal chapters:  (a) Surface and Edging (b) Lighting (c) Street Furniture (d) Planting.

The document will offer guidance to teams involved in the design and development of public realm spaces. It is recognised that greater amounts of design input, coordination, detailing, and consultation will be required for the successful delivery and long-term management of any public realm scheme.

Active Travel Strategy

The Strategy framework document has been developed to complement the Our Balbriggan Rejuvenation Plan, and takes its lead from many existing policies for Balbriggan including the Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy the Fingal Active Travel Strategy published in May 2023 and the Fingal County Development Plan 2023 -2029.

The broad findings will allow the town’s development to occur in line with the objectives of policy and guidance at all levels.  The Strategy is scalable, and can be adapted for a wider spatial boundary to assist fulfil the Fingal County Development Plan 2023-2029’s Objective CM04 to prepare a Local Transport Plan for Balbriggan.


The priority is to connect places most valued by Balbriggan residents and wider localised infrastructural improvements to junctions, footpaths and cycle facilities.

Among many positives, its findings included –

  • Lack of safe crossing points
  • Narrow footpaths
  • Lack of segregated cycle tracks
  • Low levels of cycle parking
  • Car dominated public realm
  • Poor air quality
  • Feelings of isolation in some areas

Research found…

  • 50% of commuter journeys use sustainable methods
  • 9% of journeys to work are by walking or cycling and 19% by public transport
  • 46% of journeys to school are by walking or cycling
  • 18% of households do not own a car

The following objectives were identified…

  • Enhance vibrancy, accessibility and liveability through better use of public space
  • Apply the 15 minute town concept whereby majority needs are met within a 15 minute walk or cycle
  • Identify interventions to encourage sustainable transport
  • Improve air and noise quality
  • Identify opportunities to create safer routes to school
  • Maximise the potential of the natural and built environment to facilitate safer walking and cycling

Our Balbriggan Movement Strategy proposals –

  • Direct vehicle movement to Harry Reynolds Road and other multi-modal routes and provide off street parking on the periphery of town
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Greenways and quiet ways (a walking and cycling route away from main roads and streets)
  • 30mph speed limit in town and at schools

To download Public Realm Strategy click HERE

To download the Public Realm Design Guide click HERE

To download Active Travel Strategy click HERE