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How to Get Involved in Our Balbriggan

The period from November 26th to December 14th will be vital to the future of Our Balbriggan. During that time a public survey will be conducted at a number of locations throughout the area, online at balbriggan.ie and through our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram, where you should look out for

Our Balbriggan in Action

Balbriggan Tidy Towns, as a vibrant and voluntary community group, is going from strength to strength, which the latest Tidy Towns adjudication report can testify. Tidy Towns volunteers focus on a wide variety of tasks and go way beyond just dealing with graffiti and litter. This year saw us spearhead landscaping projects in the Railway

Let’s shape a bright future for Balbriggan

A ringfenced total of €20 million plus by Fingal County Council, represents the start of Our Balbriggan – a vision for the future of the town which you can shape over the next few weeks. A Balbriggan leadership group, chaired by Professor Brian MacCraith, President, Dublin City University, was established earlier in the year to